Rough translation:
Ronaldo analyzed for Cristina Candeias (Astrologa) Cristiano Ronaldo was born the 5 of February of 1985, to the 10,20 of the morning, in the Hospital of the Funchal, the Wood. One day, hour and private place itself and that the zodiac received with deference, as observed Cristina Candeias, appraised astróloga Portuguese. "the sky conspired so that it is who is", analyzed the specialist, who before the coordinates mentioned above made the map astral, "intemporal", of the madeirense, international prodigy, reference of the Manchester United, to the 23 years. "Cristiano Ronaldo is of the solar sign Aquarium and has as ascending Sheep. It is a good linking.
The element air is understood well with the fire, is two very good polarities. We can exactly say that, before this conjuncture, it it is a force of the nature ", explained to the Maisfutebol. "the map astral represents the B.I. of the soul, having in account that has only the date, the hour and the place and each person is born necessarily in the date, hour and place where the planets are in mathematical tunning with karma individual of the person. It is not to toa that each person is born in the day where is born. E, obviously, has the factor luck in its subject [ map ], that it goes to follow it all the life ", clarified Cristina Candeias. The destiny of Cristiano Ronaldo, in that to the career it respects, is far of being melodicamente sad. He is glad, ambitious and successful. "It has the signs all married with the houses. This only happens in ten percent of the people. Is strengthened energy, therefore it has the sign of the money in the house of the money, of the love in the one of amor¿Also the Amália Rodrigues had Neptuno in the Way it Sky, relative to the career. Neptuno represents the myth. E Amália was and will be always a myth ", analyzed.
Success guaranteed in 2008 This time and the next one goes to mark, decisively, the resume of the extremity, in the interpretation of Cristina Candeias. "At this moment Saturn it is to pass for the house of the work, what it means that in two years goes to consolidate the career. It started in the Summer of 2007 and draws out until the o Summer of 2009. 2008 go to be of concretion." Bocadinho lacked to one thus the Cristiano Ronaldo, the third better player of the world for the FIFA, after Kaká (Milan) and Messi (Barcelona). The Portuguese of the Manchester United did not like to have been in the last place of the pódio, he public did not hide it in the images in direct that they had run the globe and the explanation could not be simpler. To be good, either to play, to train or to invent new tricks, is a permanent challenge. "It denotes great stubbornness and inflexibilidade in that it respects to the mental part. It does not like to be opposed in work questions and it does not like to lose. This is not necessarily sinónimo of humildade lack, only one characteristic of its personality ", examined the astróloga. "the ascending Sheep [ of Cristiano Ronaldo and that it represents the physical body ] likes to be leader, is enterprising and everything to that where it enters is for earning. It has a competitive spirit very accented ", added.
Sensible yes and ingenuous also "Cristiano Ronaldo makes look like, in my opinion, to be a person of few smiles. But naivety is endowed with a sensitivity very great e also. He is much friend of its friend and can inclusively be harmed in prol of these. It lacks a certain malice to it, even for not seeing itself involved in definitive histories ", commented Cristina Candeias. The guilt is of the goddess of the love and, for the porting side, still well that thus it happens. "it does not see badly and it believes surplus in the others. But Vénus is also the goddess of the luck and who has in the ascendant means it a protecção very great ", concluded.
P.S.- Here's a little something I found about Aquariums:
100 reasons to love an Aquarius:
1. He is comfortable in the publicity light.
2. Admiring him doesn’t make him vain.
3. He has a strong character.
4. No high ideal is out of reach for him.
5. His heart desires freedom.
6. For him sex is not so important.
7. He immediately understands what’s important.
8. He doesn’t like writing, he prefers reading.
9. His kiss is usually followed by more.
10. He’s a mind-reader.
11. He looks so beautiful.
12. He’s quick to answer back.
13. He’s sweeter than chocolate.
14. His will has no restraints.
15. He knows what it means to be “proper”
16. He’s democratic.
17. His voice stands out.
18. He’s hopelessly impatient.
19. He’s conscientious.
20. There’s only one truth: his…
21. He acts dignified, even with his enemies.
22. He never betrays his ideas.
23. He keeps his promises.
24. Based on his zodiac symbol, he “brings water to the trough, without getting wet”.
25. He goes to extremes.
26. He’s faithful to his obligations.
27. His heart desires justice.
28. He always exercises at the right time.
29. He never forgets anything.
30. In his car, his back seats fold over.
31. His car has a comfortable trunk.
32. He keeps his calm in desperate situations.
33. He fights to defend the weak.
34. He ponders deeply.
35. He doesn’t lose his self-discipline.
36. He’s solid even in difficult moments.
37. He loves children.
38. Tears don’t get to him.
39. Sometimes he shields himself behind irony.
40. He improvises with grace.
41. He doesn’t need too many explanations about everything.
42. No one pays beautiful compliments like he does.
43. He can dress everyday in the same way and still look appealing.
44. He’s someone you can be proud of.
45. He has ethics.
46. He can detect innuendos.
47. He only takes the time to preoccupy himself with people that understand him.
48. He’s quick to find solutions to problems.
49. His laughter comes from the heart.
50. He’s not afraid of authority.
51. He’d rather know for a fact than assume.
52. He’s a searcher.
53. He likes the arts and anything inspiring.
54. He might say things he doesn’t mean but make them sound important.
55. He avoids saying “I love you”. It’d be too easy…
56. Even the smallest touch can cause him great emotions.
57. Sometimes he doesn’t feel comfortable offering just flowers to his loved one.
58. He’s not a hypocrite.
59. He’ll take the chance to even drive a silver car.
60. He maintains his interest for life.
61. For him, hope dies last.
62. He often acts in a different way than he feels.
63. He won’t demand something that he himself can’t give.
64. His silence is filled with words.
65. He doesn’t show jealousy.
66. He’s not a quitter.
67. He dives strongly in some things, but not to something that’s a dead-end.
68. Even his clumsiness is adorable.
69. He’s a man of his words.
70. He gives you courage.
71. He likes having free time.
72. His interest is always sincere.
73. He always has good ideas.
74. He often doesn’t recognize his own feelings.
75. Sometimes it seems like he’s frozen inside, but he maintains his laugh.
76. He wants to change everything except himself.
77. Even after 16 years of marriage, he hasn’t become boring.
78. He never hides his mood.
79. He knows how adorable he is.
80. He looks sexy even when he’s wearing eccentric clothes.
81. He sets targets.
82. He rarely goes back on his word.
83. He can’t be pressured.
84. You never know if he just came in, or went away.
85. He takes his dreams seriously.
86. He’s so emotional.
87. He has a good logic.
88. His energy never goes down.
89. He sees a lot even with just one look.
90. If he were a star in the sky, he’d be the brightest of all.
91. He’s so masculine.
92. His intelligence is disarming.
93. He likes to go to extremes.
94. Sometimes he’s content with being with himself.
95. He’s a child of winter.
96. He’s inspiring.
97. His laugh is strong enough to warm up a cold day.
98. You can’t hold a grudge to him for too long.
99. He himself is not perfect either.
100. He’s a wonderful friend.
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